Insights from FMA's Research on Fairness in Financial Services

The Financial Market Authority recently released a research paper, Understanding Fairness in Financial Services.
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ABA releases strategic review into Australia’s Consumer Data Right (CDR) regime

The Australian Banking Association ("ABA") recently released the findings of a strategic review undertaken by Accenture
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FMA Financial Advice Provider Monitoring Insights Report

The FMA recently released their FAP Monitoring Report. We've summarised the report themes and provide recommendations.
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AI Governance Professional training – some Insights

AI Governance Professional (AIGP) course offered by the IAPP and brilliantly delivered by Caroline Carver from Mosaic...
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Conduct Impacts on Funding and Delivery Decisions

Financial institutions across New Zealand are going through licensing for the Conduct of Financial Institutions (CoFI).
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Enhancing Customer Trust through Effective Remediation

When it comes to business, trust is everything. Trust builds strong customer relationships, fosters brand loyalty and
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The death of CoFI? But do principles ever die?

At the Financial Services Council conference last week, the National Party made a policy announcement stating that if
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Mosaic Training Resources Playing Cards – Customers in Vulnerable Circumstances

Customers in Vulnerable Circumstances Playing Cards – a training resource for your business. Get your free set.
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APRA in the process of introducing a new prudential standard

APRA is in the process of introducing a new prudential standard (CPS 230) designed to strengthen the management of
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Risk creep - How risky behaviour spreads

I’ve done a couple of posts recently that highlight the importance of understanding behaviour and how critical it is to
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Non-financial risk will be the regulatory theme of the 2020s

As the understanding of and connection between risk management and behavioural science continues to evolve, it will be
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APRA Risk Culture survey results for Banks

In mid-November 2022, APRA released the results from their most recent Risk Culture survey. The survey was provided...
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Looking for CoFI Guidance this Christmas? Watch The Castle – “It’s the vibe of the thing.”

With the FMA recently releasing its Conduct of Financial Institutions licensing materials, it was a timely reminder...
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Customers in Vulnerable Circumstances and Privacy – Presentation to ICNZ

Mosaic joined the ICNZ Vulnerability Learning Group last Thursday to facilitate a discussion and share best practice
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Pursuing Business Vitality – Get your First Line Assurance sorted and soon!

Financial service businesses across New Zealand face new and unknown risks and, thus, new and untapped opportunities...
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Into the Unknown!

Risk management is based on the ability of the manager to identify, assess, and then mitigate risks. Most risk...
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Lessons from LEGO for Risk Management

Lego, the coloured plastic brick, needs no explanation – it has existed for more than 60 years, is in every...
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Good conduct is good business

A UK think tank study in 2014 estimated that between 2010-2014, 25% of UK banks’ (ref. 1) pre-tax profits were...
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Righting the Wrong – Customer Remediation

Remediation best practice and pitfalls are once again in the spotlight with the Commerce Commission’s consultation on...
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On being prepared: how BCPs have worked in lockdown

Despite the ever-present threat of pandemics, and a few trial runs (SARS, MERS and Ebola, for example), he said many...
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The Act is here; now for some action

Just a couple of mooring lines remain to be cast off before the Financial Services Legislation Amendment Act (FSLAA)...
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