The New Zealand and Australian Privacy Acts are changing

Mark Carver
September 2024

Major privacy law updates are coming to New Zealand and Australia.

This brochure lists the key changes and explains how they might impact your organisation, particularly if you:

  • Operate in both New Zealand and Australia
  • Collect personal information indirectly
  • Utilise facial recognition or biometric solutions

The New Zealand Privacy Amendment Bill focuses on indirect personal information collection, while Australia's Privacy Act is undergoing a comprehensive overhaul introducing new obligations for organisations. Additionally, a new Biometric Processing Privacy Code is coming to New Zealand.

Mosaic's Privacy advisers can help. We offer:

  • Free Lunch & Learn Webinars: Gain insights into the upcoming changes, navigating the NZ Privacy Act, and Australian privacy impacts. Learn more about the privacy webinars
  • Expert Guidance: Our team can assess your situation and advise on how to comply with the new regulations.

Download the PDF here