Climate risk: climate scenario development & analysis

Through our partnership with Informed.City, Mosaic now offers training courses around sustainability, to help our clients enhance their understanding of climate issues and apply this knowledge practically.

For many, climate scenarios represent the most challenging part of the XRB’s climate-
related disclosure requirements. Their novelty is accentuated by a bevy of inconsistent
guidance that underlies the immaturity and evolving nature of their application to climate-related issues. Yet applied appropriately, scenarios can provide a depth of insight critical to preparing an organisation for climate related risks.

Whether you are a board member, executive or practitioner this course will help you
navigate the many pitfalls of climate scenarios and set you up for effective climate scenario development and analysis. Amongst other things, we will explore the conceptual foundations of scenarios, including the range of ways that they are applied, and their suitability to addressing the deep uncertainty associated with climate change. We will consider criticisms amongst the scientific community of current practice and what this means for scenario development outputs and process going forward. Finally, we will investigate the practical steps to scenario development and analysis and what from our own experience represents success.

Course Schedule

Where: TBC

Course pricing

The course price is as follows:

Classroom of 5 to 16 participants $1,200 + GST

Further course dates may be added to the schedule, please contact us at for an up-to-date list of all scheduled courses. The course price is in New Zealand Dollars and is exclusive of GST, please add GST to any PO or payment.


90 minutes in person (or a session tailored to individual business needs).

Course Content

  • Core concepts of climate scenarios, including differing scenario types and emerging
    development trends.
  • The role of scenario analysis in building an organisation’s resilience to climate-
    related risk.
  • Practical insights into scenario development and analysis.

What you’ll learn

  • The main features and purpose of climate scenarios.
  • How scenario analysis can support an organisation prepare for climate-related risk.
  • The key concepts and steps to develop and apply climate scenarios.

Who Should Attend?

  • Board members or senior executives looking to enhance their climate-related risk
  • Team members tasked with developing climate scenario for their organisations (we
    strongly recommend cross functional representation).

Meet your facilitators

Donovan Burton

Donovan is the Director of Informed.City and is a highly experienced climate change practitioner with a diverse portfolio of experience. Over the past 18 years he has worked on over 350 climate change projects in NZ, Australia, the Pacific and SE Asia.  During this time, he has carried out work with financial organisations, property developers, infrastructure providers, transport networks, ports, information technology companies, insurers, UN agencies, research organisations and all levels of government.

His recent work in NZ has focussed on banking and investment sector exposure to climate risk, climate scenario development, climate risk model development and climate risk management.  Donovan is also a working group member of the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) World Adaptation Science Program (WASP) and an Associate of the Griffith University Climate Response Initiative. This diverse portfolio gives Donovan unique insight into cascading climate change risks.

Ian Edwards

Ian has been consulting on climate-related issues for over ten years. During that time, he has worked with development banks, large infrastructure providers and advisors, state and local governments, and NGOs. Since 2021, Ian has supported New Zealand financial institutions develop and implement a raft of climate-related risk, strategic and emissions-focused initiatives in accordance with best practice and regulator expectations. Ian understands the importance of organisational capability and works hard to upskill the clients he advises.

Ian sits on the Science-based Targets Initiative financial institution expert advisory group, is an associate with Griffith University’s Climate Ready Initiative and has published his work on climate-relate disclosure in the prestigious journal Nature Climate Change. Ian has a background as a Chartered Accountant with over twenty years experience in the international financial services sector.

How Do I Pay?

Enclosed below are the details for payment into our account, plus company details if you need to set Mosaic up as a supplier and/or provide us with a Purchase Order. If you require an invoice, please indicate on the booking form. We do require at least your purchase order or payment (where no purchase order is provided) prior to the course unless prior arrangements have been made.

  • Company Name: Mosaic Business Solutions T/A Mosaic Financial Services Infrastructure
  • Registered Address: 72 Mountain Road, Epsom, Auckland 1023
  • Primary Office Address: 131 Queen Street, Level 2, Suite 204, Central Auckland, Auckland 1010
  • GST No: 103843782
  • Account Name: Mosaic Business Solutions

For further information or queries about the course please do not hesitate to contact us at

Find out more about this engaging course.